make your own sanding disks
Build Your Own WoodTurning Tools

Build A 2 Inch Sandpaper Punch

Recently I needed some 2″ sanding discs for sanding my wood bowls. I ran out of sanding discs so I cut up some of my felt backed 6″ sanding discs but they were really out of shape and ruined several pairs of scissors.make your own sanding discs

A member of our facebook woodturning group asked if there was a 2 inch punch that would accomplish what he needed, that would be to cut some 2″ sanding discs from sandpaper blanks. He ended up building his own punch from a piece of galvanized water pipe.

I looked around and decided that I would make a 2″ punch from some thin walled electrical conduit. You can read about it here 2 Inch Sandpaper Punch!